Monday 28 November 2016

Ours burn, dis-moi. . .

We have been hard at work getting comfortable with the Eric Carle story 'Ours brun, dis-moi...' (Brown Bear, Brown Bear).
We have read and re-read the story quite a few times as it is a great story for practising the names of many common animals and colours in French.  You can use the photo below (of our sentence strips) at home to practise with your child and see how many of the animals and colours they remember in French.
We also made a graph of the favourite animals from the story.  As you can see there was a strong preference for the purple cat!
To finish things up, the seniors made a class book of their own version of the story that we read at carpet time.

Snowsuit Fund

Stonecrest is once again fundraising to support the purchase of new snowsuits for local children.  This fundraiser is being held from Monday November 28th to Friday, December 2nd.
During this time period, “elves” from Mrs. Storms’ and Mme Vandal’s Grade 3 classes, and Mrs. Wilker’s and Mme Reddick’s grade 6 classes will visit all classrooms every day.  They will accept any donations of money, new or gently used “ready to wear” winter clothing.  If you choose to write a cheque for your donation, please address it to “Stonecrest E.S.”.
In keeping with the spirit of the season, the staff at Stonecrest would prefer that families, who wish to purchase teacher gifts during this festive season, redirect their generosity towards this fundraiser.  Therefore, if you choose to make purchases, may we suggest hats and mitts, or other winter wear, which we will donate to less fortunate families on behalf of our “Stonecrest Family.”  Should you choose to make a donation on behalf of a teacher/staff member, please feel free to use the tear-off tag to indicate this on your donation.
Stonecrest Staff

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Vocabulary Review

This week we are reviewing the words from the last three letters we've worked on: F, M & N.


We have been talking a lot about shapes in class lately.  A copy of the French names of some common shapes went home with the green class today (and will go home with the blue class tomorrow) should you wish to practise them at home.  Here is a link to the document. . .
     French Shape Vocabulary Words